Bruno Arine


My name is Bruno Arine. I’m a data scientist based in Brazil, and I’m crazy about software engineering, philosophy, and personal knowledge management. This website contains some of the pieces I have written on these topics.

Facts about me

How to reach me

Feel free to add me on LinkedIn, Mastodon, Goodreads, or Instagram.

You can also get in touch via email: bruno.arine at the email provider runbox DOT com. If you want to communicate privately, consider encrypting your message with my PGP key 0x2e89 76e9 3d30 e6df with fingerprint 05e3 d650 61e1 c39c 4eaf db55 2e89 76e9 3d30 e6df. My public key can also be downloaded here.

My Geek Code

Version: 3.1
GS/CS/O d->-- s:+()>- a C++(+++) !U P L++ E>+++>$ W- !N o? K? w--- !O !M !V PS++(+++) PE- Y+>++ PGP t+ !5 X+ R++ tv-- b++ DI-- D++ G e+++ h r+++ y+

About this site

Brains should be public domain. Our ideas derive from other people’s ideas, which derive from yet others’ ideas, and so on. Every useful idea is a remix. The creative process doesn’t begin with a blank slate, so neither the corpus of human knowledge nor none of its building blocks should be kept private. For this reason I publish not only my blog posts, but also my personal notes online.

This website is supposed to be my online second brain, an ever-changing web of highly interconnected nodes that mimics my mind’s topology as I explore a number of topics.

My system borrows a lot of concepts from Niklas Luhmann’s Zettelkasten method, mixed with concepts from Andy Matuschak’s note taking system.

There is no search function implemented yet, so please browse each section of this website through the links in the header, or check my Now page to see what I’m up to lately.

Credits and special thanks

Andy Matuschak for inspiring an army of digital gardeners with his notes.

Jethro Kuan for developing Org-roam, a polished Personal knowledge management solution for Emacs.

The entire open source community—this website is built upon free software only, and wouldn’t exist without the effort of thousands of volunteers.

“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.” —Isaac Newton, 1675

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